In this episode, you will learn 10 FACTS about Ursula, what age she would like to go back to and what advice she would give herself at that age! We also talk about the main causes of body image issues, how they come up and how she overcomes them. And we discuss what aging means to her and to her body.
You can READ the interview transcript HERE
10 Facts About Ursula
(at the time of the project)
1. 48 years old.
2. Ursula was born and lived most of her life in Canberra, except for a few years on the Sunshine Coast.
3. Ursula is the youngest of six children.
4. Ursula has a 24-year-old daughter. She has also been blessed with a granddaughter.
5. Ursula’s favourite colour changes and now it’s bright orange.
6. Ursula’s favourite food is Mediterranean and Japanese.
7. She has only ever read one entire book cover to cover and that book was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
8. Ursula has done extensive travel when she was younger. She was 15 when she did her first trip. She went to Thailand to see her dad, unaccompanied.
9. Ursula is the founder and managing director of a boutique executive support firm called Capital EA, it primarily upholds senior executives and their assistants.
10. Ursula’s passion aligns with what she does naturally. And that is uplifting people acknowledging their space and truly connecting to this spirit.
You can find Ursula here:
Hi, you're listening to the My Body, My Story podcast.
I actually think body images is right up there in these categories. Because if it's not treated early, the cycle ultimately repeats itself and you you can carry that you know through yet that you your entire life and through other generations.
This is the 45 over 45 chapter where we celebrate Rule Breakers and role models, the women who inspire us to live life our way and to show their sensuality beauty, soul, and true essence. Here we talk about what it's like to be 45 Plus, adjusting to the changes that come with time, and we listened to the stories about participants. If you have an interesting story, we'd love for you to participate. You can email us at info@aleksandrawalker.com That's Aleksandra spelled with a K S. Or visit our website aleksandrawalker.com
Hello, everyone, and welcome to The My Body My Story project, and today with us in the studio Ursula. And while she's sitting in the makeup chair, Nicole is creating her magic and doing makeup for her. And I'll be chatting with Ursula and asking her questions. And let's start and tell us 10 facts about yourself.
Hi, Alex. It's lovely firstly, to have me here. I feel like I'm really going to have a great day with you and I look forward to continuing to watch and see what other women come through this journey. So 10 facts about myself. I'm 48 years old, born in Canberra in our nation's capital. I've lived there all of my life apart from living on the sunshine Sunshine Coast for a few years, but I did come back to Canberra. I'm the founder and managing director of a boutique executive support firm called capital EA, it primarily uphold senior executives and their assistants. We work all across Australia. My favourite colour changes at the moment, but I'm loving a really bright orange. My favourite food is Mediterranean and Japanese. I've only ever read one entire book cover to cover and that book was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
That's an interesting fact.
I that is the only book I've ever read, cover to cover. I have a 24 year old daughter whose friends are also my children. I have also been blessed with a granddaughter. I've experienced marriage love loss, separation and soulmate connections. And my passion aligns to what I do naturally. And that is uplifting people acknowledging their space and truly connecting to this spirit. For me, that's what I earn is meaningful and deep connections. I'm the youngest of six born to an incredible lineage of strength, courage, compassion, and wisdom. And I suppose part of the reason why I've accepted the invitation to come here today is probably in big part is the courage side of things, which does come from my mother. So my mother's side, and family history of living in a time of the World War Two and experiencing a lot of hardship, which is, I guess, part of my journey today is looking at my life in retrospect and seeing really what's carried me through my life's pathway and everything I've done from, you know, from young to now. And I can say that a big part of my DNA is because of their courage. And it's always the courage to do things step out of the comfort zone, tense today, stepping out of, you know, taking risks. You know, with starting a business, it all comes back to having courage. So it is nice to be in this position today to know that I take my hat off to them to give me the life I have today.
So I know you listed all these facts, but we spoke before. And I know there's more interesting stories behind those facts. I'll just go one by one first. You mentioned that you have your own business and the name of the business. So what exactly do you do?
Yeah, so I said what I did was I started a business from replicating what I did in my everyday role. And it was in the role I've always served for over 30 years I've looked after senior executives in achieving their goals. And when I is doing that role, I recognise that there were certain aspects or or arms of that role that really needed to be given attention. And to have balance in the role, essentially. And they were that you needed to put on a mentor coaching hat. So to always pay it forward and to coach others and teach others what you've learned yourself. So I hence in my business, I have a coaching. And I have a training and education arm that always gives back to the community and industry that's given me a lot of life experience. And the other is help with finding the right people finding a match and finding the fit to be acceptable for people. Because if you're going to be successful in a, a relationship, you need to really work on that, that match that fit that works in terms of values and an understanding each other's you know, remit where people want to go in life. That's something that's often too often overlooked. And I think that's really important part of our role today is to help people find the right people to work with them. And then there's a concierge service it again, it's in the realm of looking after people who are really busy, and we just take up all their personal private life stuff. And Board Secretariat, which is minute taking, essentially doing all the minutes in bits and pieces. So I did that in my job. And then I replicated it as a business. And then that business took off 10 years ago. And now I've just managed to kind of step back a little bit from it, because my daughter and her very close friend and another like my own daughter works in my business along with another seven others that work kind of external to us to keep the wheels on the on the vehicle, so to speak.
Great, so where people can find you?
so they can find us on all social media platforms. One if it's looking online, so Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and then we're based in Canberra, but we work all across Australia. So yeah,
great. So so you're you're available via the Zoom call, or
yes, yeah, Team zoom. Anyway, we connect with everyone any way that they they can.
And I'll put the link in the description of your episodes or so people can find you if they interested.
Thank you.
Excellent. So also, you mentioned about your family story, which is a very interesting, and you didn't tell us some facts about your grandfather, and the bear. And so when you say that courage is your family history? What exactly do you mean? And if you can tell us a bit more about your family stories? I found it very interesting.
Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, so my, the history is my mother's side is Russian, Ukrainian. And my father's is Austrian. But Mum sort of merged into Germany because she had to flee Russia during the war. And they had to, they had to kind of pack up in the middle of the night, her father had already been taken, or had been taken away, and which she can only assume was the gas chambers back then. So my grandfather was taken in the night and she was six years old at the time, they had she had a younger, younger brother, an older brother. So there was the three of them and my mum, they, they walked extensively into the northern part of Germany to get away from, you know, from being potentially killed. So one of the things that happened along that journey, though, was quite significant that her younger brother froze to death on that on that track, so they only had their little bag each and when they met the when they met the guards on along the way. My grandmother taught my mother how to speak German. So by the time they got there, they had apparently she's they boiled their passports in sauerkraut. And, you know, removed all the ink. And then when they got to the border, they all spoke German and my grandmother had already spoken German because she was the chef at IT office of the KGB, which is just crazy to think about. When I think about all of these stories that I heard I was like, what what what yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, book is needed and but they managed to get through the the check in point and after that they lived in Germany.
What year was it?
Look, this is the thing that's all modelled to me and I have to get it was it? No, no, no. Yeah, those 40s 40s in the World War Two,
World War Two.
So, yeah, and then eventually they got settled again in Germany and my, my grandmother was the, I suppose the stoic one in at all losing her husband and she eventually remarried a German man that apparently was really supportive and would do anything for her in life. And they eventually decided to come out to Australia. And that was with my mom, her brother, Hannah and, and her and her new husband. And they, they decided to land in, well, they had to get the ship to Perth, and then from Perth, they went to Sydney, and they settled in Fairfield. And on that ship over is where she met my dad. Yeah, and Austrian blonde headed blue eyed. Oh, cute. Ostrich was she she was actually seven years older than him. He was younger. So she was she must have been like 20. And he was like, 22 or 20. So quite young. But she was older. Yeah. And then he was on his way over to the snowy mountain scheme to work. You know, as a, he here, he'd heard all about Australia and working on that snowy mountain scheme and was going to be his ticket into Australia. But apparently, when he got there, and he started working there, he could just think about my mom. And so he had used to come and bang on the door in Fairfield. Quite a few times. And my grandmother tried to get rid of him, but she didn't like, you know, she she she? I don't know. She just said to watch him. Yeah. Famous last words. And yeah, anyway, ma'am. Eventually, she said that he nagged so much that she thought if she doesn't go on a date with him that he won't go away. So she gave up, she gave up. Yeah. And she went on a date with them. And then they ended up getting married. And they live, they continue to live in Sydney, they had their first four children in Sydney. And then the last two, which is me and my sister, I'm the youngest. We were born in Canberra. Yeah. So there is quite a journey that my The other point I was saying that was quite amazing. And part of my history, and I suppose is that my great grandfather got taken by a black bear in the forest when he was out hunting. So yeah, there's, I mean, I guess in those parts of the world, you're going to come across some very difficult days, particularly in that time of World War Two as well. Yeah.
So that was the time right after war when they moved to Australia. So it was like a land of hope,
the land of hope, with a suitcase, nothing but a suitcase. And that, I guess, that resonates with me, you know, like how do people start a whole new life with just a suitcase and the just the courage it takes to do something like that, but then also the hope to fulfil a life or life in developing yourself, you know, making your own money. And out of the six children, there's, there's actually, well, there was three that actually did make their own money, then they are the ones that have decided to go back into doing other things, but two of us are now quite strongly connected to just making our own self worth. And we don't rely on anyone, we're quite independent girls. So she had four girls, two boys, and out of the girls, I guess you could say that we're all very independent. We each have a a level of resilience in us to survive and thrive. And I think that comes from her definitely.
I think it's also it's, it stays in gene in blood of next generations, you know, the stories of moving countries or being brave to start all over again. And it's like, the spirit of adventure as well and spirit of in strength, you know, and courage to do that. Because being an immigrant myself and moving countries twice in my life, I know it's quite a hard decision, you know, and also starting business and I think that if I didn't move countries I've made though I will, I've always wanted to help my own business, but it just helped me to realise that nothing is impossible and it's okay to start. It's hard to start from zero. Like I imagined You have a courage you're working with companies you like you have security of your salary. And you know, everyone knows you. And then you have to leave it all and start your own business.
Yeah. Yeah. It's more daunting than I think we realise. Because when I talk to people, when people say to me, Oh, how did you do that? I want to start my own business or how, you know, what did you do? And I think, wow, I don't know. Like, I honestly just think I just I took the step, I just stepped off and thought, I've got no one, I've got no backup. If I'm gonna survive, you know, I've got to, I've got to make this happen. And I was also prepared to, I was also prepared to lose and go, you know, what, if I don't try, how am I going to know whether I'm going to survive, so I'm going to have to try to give this a go. And, you know, you'll always fall you'll always find something in life to do you know, like, I don't have any worries about making money, for instance, because I know that I will always be find, I will always find a way. You know, always it's more that I want to be doing something that I'm passionate about and that I'm feel wholesome with doing. Because there's a lot of time that's spent in our lives. Just living right existing. You want to make every part of your time to be valuable. Yeah, definitely. Yeah.
It's just listening to myself. You know, when you talk, I was like, exactly.
You're gonna finish my sentence. Oh, well, I told you when I met when I first I said this was all divine intervention. I knew there was gonna be something there that I was like, I'm gonna have fun and yeah, so it's
very interesting. I mean, its amazing story like and also I wanted to ask you about being a sixth child, like a last child in the family, number six. Was it kind of they gave up on you. Oh, you were the most loved one. Like there are two options for kids.
If you asked my sisters and brother, they would say I was the most loved when they still claim that? Yeah, I got away with murder. But I was definitely planned. Because there was one other daughter they had two years prior to me who wasn't as planned. And then they didn't want to leave her on her own. So they wanted to put some other child there with this company. Fancy having a baby for company. But that's what they did. And yeah, I was and you know what? It's, I can honestly say that I feel I feel that I was the most connected with them. I'm still the only one that's connected to my Well, one other sister but not as much. With my dad. He left. We did lose one brother. Tragically, and after that it kind of tore our family apart a little bit. We were a pretty close knit family. We're all quite active. We did adventures together. You know, Dad taught us how to snow ski. He taught us how to water ski. We had a you know, house down the south coast that we could all go to as a family. We always had somewhere to go we all had our own skis, snow boots, you know, our own everything. Including with waterskiing, as well. You know, we were always quite adventurous as a big family. But after Robin died. Yeah, it did kind of shift, the dynamic shifted. So that eventually incurred a marriage breakdown. And dad left when I was 14 to go live in Thailand. So he's, yeah, he's been mostly he's quite entrepreneurial as well. He's lived over there most of Well, yeah, most of my life now. Realistically, I did actually go over and visit him quite regularly. So my adventure started to kind of spawn from seeing the world a little bit when I was quite young. And when I think back then to you know, the first trip I did I think I was 15.
Or where did you go?
I went, I went to Thailand, unaccompanied, like at 15. And I had to find where he lived, which was quite obscure. He was right down in the south of Thailand on a in a very remote area called Koh Lanta, which is about a 30 minute ferry from peepee Island and two hours from Krabi. Essentially, he ended up taking stock of a restaurant and a restaurant over a pier. And the ferry used to arrive at that PR and then he'd have like this big sitting around restaurant and then during the day, he had a bakery and he used to bring people from Switzerland to come and bake for him. So there was a Swiss bake house in the middle of this tiny island, then who would buy the the tourists? So wait, there was a lot of tourists that used to dive? Yeah. Paddy divers, and they used to have lots of people, including famous people come there, because it was just the most special, most magic place. You know, I'd seen I was lucky that I used to go there for trips for four and five weeks and dad used to just book a bungalow on the beach for me at the age of 14. And I would just spend like my Christmas holidays sitting in this bungalow on the beach in the most remote area of Thailand. It was really it was magical. It was really my favourite place to in the world to visit. Look, my favourite and I have done extensive travel when I was younger. And there's a question about what age I would want to go back to when it was at that age. And we will get but it's it's it's grace. I'm yet to see Turkey, but it is. It was and I've gone back to return to Greece. And there's just something special about Greece. Yeah, I love I love the people. I feel like I fit in there. And that people are my sort of people. I love the food being Mediterranean and just all my favourite things. Yeah, I love the blue skies and the the serenity of it. Yeah.
Okay. Well, you mentioned that, I'll ask you this question that if you could go back to any age, what it would be why, and what advice would you give yourself at that age.
So the age is 21. And it was the time I actually decided to travel the world. And I took 12 months to do that, which was looking back, you know, and at the time, it was sensational. It provided me a whole new opportunity of life and to understand that, you know, you don't need to live in a box, you need to keep looking outside the box in life. And that's what that trip did for me. When I came back, I was an entirely different person. And what the advice I would give myself back then is the world as you've witnessed is wonderous. Don't settle for anything less. That's the advice I would have given myself. Yeah, it's
good advice. So moving to the ageing theme of our podcast. I'd like to ask you What does ageing means to you?
Yes, so ageing is it's been transformative for me. When reflecting on particular stages of the process. I feel it's bittersweet. I guess, when you start your life, you lacked the experience to fully understand ageing. Hence, hindsight is a wonderful thing. But as you age, you have so much more clarity in a body that I feel is a little more fragile. Well, fragile, fragile, perhaps in? Well, depending on how you've treated your body, you know, so if you've, if you've been, you know, exercising hard, maybe it's not so fragile. If you've, if you've succumb childbirth or other health related issues through life, it just isn't what it was when you were younger. Yeah, it your legs hurt more, your hips are a little more sore. Yeah, that kind of fragility, too.
So if your body could talk, what it would tell you or ask you, at the moment,
it would say stop putting pollutants into me. Love and nurture me and take more time to move.
Good. So you want to ask for healthy stuff for itself. So it does. What do you think? What do you think are the main causes of our body image, insecurities or issues?
I think the main causes for body image issues or being a being witness to an accumulative response from both a conscious and non conscious way in which people live their lives. So for me this began at childhood from being raised in a fairly high level loaded personal vanity kind of arena. And which I think was a knock on effect for for for instance, my mom, you know, she would have had that come down from her mother, wearing particular clothing, you know, skirts and shoes and hair, the hair was always the subject. Oh my gosh, the hair. But yeah, that I think it's a knock on effect, you know. So it just continues to go through and the cycle repeats itself, so to speak. So like, like any family trauma, you know, that's travelled through generations, whether it be violence, addiction abuse, I actually think body images is right up there in these categories. Because if it's not treated early, the cycle ultimately repeats itself. And you you can carry that, you know, st yet that you your entire life, and through other generations. That's the way I see it.
I like your answer that think it's the first time I hear such a different answer to this question. Yeah, so it's interesting that I actually think exactly the same. And I think it's people say social media. I think it's like a trigger for all that stuff you mentioned. Yeah, it comes from somewhere else. Outside. Yeah. And it just interesting. It's exactly that now days, people are more educated about them. Trauma as you know how it works. But old days, it was just transferred from one generation to another rule. The rules as you said, yeah, how you have to dress how you have like, I remember my grandmother. When I was a teenager, I came to visit to visit her and different city and I was wearing trousers, and she told me No way. When you go outside with me, no trousers. You are a girl. I want you to wear skirts. Yes. And I was shocked them also why what's wrong with me wearing trousers? Yes. Yeah, so that's interesting. Yes,
I'm sure me. Yeah, I always had to wear skirts. Yeah. skirts and stockings. Yeah. And, you know, nice shoes, and my hair always had to be done. But yeah, it came from you know, I don't I don't blame her girl rules. Yes, that's right. And, yeah, that came from her mother and the way she was raised. So I actually do think there is something in that that the same as a family trauma going through, you know, how they often say, Oh, your father hit so and so because because his father hit him. And I think body image is right there up there with a trauma, a family trauma, like something that continues for generations, you know,
I also think that those rules were based on the position of men and women in the society. So you by dressing yourself up and being a good girl, you're supposed to be competitive among other candidates for good husband, you know, yes. So And nowadays, women are more independent, they will, they don't need to look good to meet a good partner or to be happy. So that's why it's changing. So but the old days, it was kind of a competition among other women. So you have to look your best. So you've been, you will be chosen by a good man.
Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense as well. Yeah. So
that's interesting. My observation, like all my analysis of that subject, which I was thinking a lot about, obviously, because we did this podcast are one of the reasons Yes. And so I know, like, I know the answer, but they're just I want to go a bit deeper into this question. So what do you think are the effects of negative body image on the relationship I'm talking about? Not just a partner relationship, but any relationship with friends, co workers, whatever.
Yeah, I think it's how it affects it. It's quite it's big in life. You know, it's played a huge impact on my relationships. My, my, my body image. You know, my weight. It really has said, particularly with my family, you know, they, because I, you know, I was probably the Well, I am the largest out of the six out of the four girls and six children. Um, definitely the largest. And there was in terms of weight. Yeah, size. Yeah. And weight. Yeah, definitely. And that played a big impact on I think they wanted me to kind of fit in a little bit better with them. So, you know, that I've actually, I've actually ended, you know, there was a, you know, a relationship in my own family that I've had to end Have the pure grace of trying to, you know, pull myself out of feeling like this. This kind of body image is going to be their number one objective. Because every time I saw them it was, you know, why do you look like that? Or why don't you do something about yourself? Or, you know, why don't you have? Why don't you? You know, like, you'll feel better if you do something just constant was
another family trauma.
Yeah. And other family trauma. So, yeah, so I, yeah, I think that's it's paid a big impact and thinking back even when I was younger, as a child as well,
what did it make you feel worse about yourself?
I just always felt like I was singled out. Like, I felt very isolated. Like, I didn't feel like I was with them. And ultimately, I became the ultimate the black sheep. Yeah, bullying is bullying. Yeah, it is bullying. And I did, I found that I was very different from them. And that I was kind of, definitely, I suddenly I stood out as the black sheep of the family, because of my body. But did it make me a lesser person later in life? No, it didn't. In fact, I think, I think now, when I, you know, look at that kind of part of my life, I recognise that, that I actually fought to rise above it. And I ultimately accepted the challenge. And it provided me with the resilience and determination and courage I have today. That's in a way that bullying did the total reverse flip on me? And, you know, yeah, I would say that I've become more successful because of it. Yeah, definitely.
Because you, you were resisting
Yeah, I was just resisting it. But as a, as a child, you know, when does thinking about to that as a child, you know, going through that process of being a bit chubbier and bigger as well, I actually took on when you say, how does it affect relationships? I actually took on I had to be humorous, so I thought if I was funny, they wouldn't notice my weight. So I became quite a, a joker, you know, I was,
it's a very famous masks. Like, yeah, to cover your insecurities. Like yes, in psychology, there's a different masks people put on. And Joker is one of them.
I became the Joker, like, everyone thought I was really funny. And, and I thought, Oh, that's good. They can't see my weight. They can only see my, my humour. When I think back to that, and that is good. But yeah, I was nice have changed.
Since then, are you still…
I think the humour, I think the humour is still there, it will actually what I've recognised when I, when I go to humour, or when I think of it, it is during intense stressful periods. So when I say that, so working with high level executive, going through their profession and their lifestyle, and you know what they're doing in life, it was actually a skill that was very needed, because I can defuse a stressful situation very quickly, and make light of something that suddenly doesn't appear so heavy. So I ended up using it again later in life, but who would ever think that at that young age that it would have come in and today, I do see life as take it, take it LiDAR, take a look at things a little lighter stuff. You know, if people come with me with really heavy issues, I always think, let's let's deconstruct this and just look at what it really is. Because it's probably just one little thing there that's built up around all these other objects in your mind, you know, and I tried to use humour to bring it out. And it kind of works in a way. I don't know how it's like,
you're talking about me, exactly the same approach I take when I'm in the stressful situation. And it's, it's naturally it's I didn't, I didn't make made it. Like, I didn't invent it. No, I just, it came naturally. And I realised that I'm still learning to use it. Deliberately. Not instinctively. Yeah. Cuz instinctively when I am in danger and dangerous situation, I noticed that I started being humorous. And I thought it's a great actually tool that to release the stress.
Yeah, release the stress. That's the way I do it.
Yeah. So I love it. So do you. Is that your way to overcome body related insecurities or you have other ways and has it changed with age?
Yeah, Look, I, I now declare it, I declare it and I, I put, like putting a potential conflict of interest on the table. You know, I simply say, Hey, I've got some insecurities when it comes to my body. We've had a journey, me and my body. And while I'm still learning to love my body, there's certain attachments associated to it that I've constructed major lifetime choices around. So and that will be with me for the rest of my life. And honestly, most people get it when I kind of put it to them like that. Yeah. Yeah. And that, you know, the lifetime decisions have come in. Because, yeah, the back in the time, you know, when I've said something about going back to 21. And saying, the world as you've witnessed this, I wonder if don't settle? Well, obviously, there's a component there that I felt I did settle. And, and that was probably due to the fact that I didn't think I could really do much more with myself, because I had a low opinion of myself in my, my looks and my body and everything. I've just, you know, I'm just now transitioning, you know, at 48 to start again. And, you know, I'm yeah, I'm on this. I am on a journey right now. Right now, you've caught me. Right? Right. And you caught me, right, and the journey phase of, yeah, looking at a whole new chapter in my life. So
it's so interesting that we are learning to love our bodies, when our bodies start to deteriorate. That's so true. While when we had our perfect bodies, we hated that. And we felt that something wrong with that, and then only when we feel that it's getting older, and you know, more fragile, as you said, and you know, in some in some kind of deteriorating, we just suddenly decide, no, I have to love whatever is left. So I think maybe it's the rule that we realise the value of that when we start losing something.
Yeah, look, I think there is that definitely. And, yeah, and losing something and losing people in your life. Like suddenly you start to have people around you that pass or there's people that take on different journeys as well. And you think, wow, we, yeah, life's short, right, life short, and you need to take stock, because we all get on our, I think we all get on our pathways in life. And, you know, we, you know, we enjoy it, we go on holidays, we meet people, we, you know, live to work or work to live whichever one takes your fancy, you know, we do various things in life that, that do see our days our way. But I think there's probably three significant times where suddenly, on your journey, there's a there's a reset, or there's something that just happens, you know, whether whether it be love loss, it could be health issues, you know, there's things that just make you hit the reset button. But there's significantly Yeah, I for myself, I see probably three. Yeah, hitting the reset button. I've just hit my second one.
So you still have time.
We still have time. Yeah, we do we do.
So my last question in this body related sector is, do you have ways of bringing yourself into body shape you want and again, has a change with age. Like for example, you look at yourself in the mirror saying, Okay, I need to or you don't bother.
Now, I think everyone has a solution to for working on their body image that they want. The truth for me right now is all about love. If you work on loving yourself first, I know that that's a quote that just continues to happen. But this is this situation I'm in in terms of just learning to love myself right now. And I think the preconceived body image that I'm looking for will probably come to fruition through that love. I think I'll learn to love myself more through that, you know, look at seeing that that image in my head of whatever that is will just come to fruition. That's a psychological it's a psychological thing. Yeah, though, probably will when you were younger, you tried to do some physical exercise dieting, or you never did that. No, I did it just it never stuck with me. You know, I mean, how many times for me, I went on a diet all the bloody time. And then I and then I went I lost you know, five kilos, and you know, I remember the family or you lost five kilos, and then you know, I don't know three weeks later. Oh, it's back on again. Yeah, I mean, I can't sustain something like that. It's just, it's just not who I am. It's just not who I who I am, you know. So it's more about finding that love in me to love and nurture me and just, yeah, I will love my body. I know I will. Once I've found that I love myself again. I think I will love my body. So we'll see, I might have to come back and tea whether it happens on
would be interesting. So my last question is if you have any favourite court or saying about being a woman,
so my mission in life as a woman is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with passion, compassion, humour, and some style and that's from Maya Angelou. There you go.
Very nice. Thank you, Ursula, thank you very much for such interesting conversation. Thank you. And I hope you will enjoy the rest of your day with us and photo shoots.
I'm really looking forward to this and thank you, thank you for having something like this for women to come to, to experience I really appreciate it. It's lovely.
If you have an interesting story, we'd love for you to participate. You can email us at info@aleksandrawalker.com That's Aleksandra spelled with a K S. Or visit our website aleksandrawalker.com

This is the 45 over 45 chapter of MY BODY MY STORY podcast, where we celebrate rule breakers and role models - the women who inspire us to live life our way and to show their SENSUALITY, BEAUTY, SOUL, and TRUE ESSENCE.
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